Great Quote on Life’s Purpose

I could take all kinds of time and energy to say it in my own words, or I could just say, "What he said" -- "If you are breathing, you are still alive. If you are alive, then you are still here, physically, on this planet. If you are still here, then you have not…

What Will They Say When You Go?

It's one of those things you can't keep from happening; people talking about you when your number is called. An important thing to remember, though, is the fact that you have an awful lot of control NOW over what they will say THEN. Hopefully, my father is pleased with what I had to say about…

A Note to Know-It-Alls

If you know it all, why are you listening? If you know it all, why are you watching? If you know it all, why are you reading? If you know it all, why aren't you speaking? If you know it all, share. Those words came to me as I read feedback from a recent talk…

Helping Young Adults

I recorded an interview for a news segment called "Good Things" for WRAL-TV last week. (UPDATE - here is a link to the interview) - I pitched them on the idea that the message from my second book, entitled "The Second Day," may be helpful to young adults - young adults who may be suffering.…

Todd Duncan interview with Scott Wittig

To some degree, this was a bit like Babe Ruth pointing to the fence....and then actually hitting the ball into the stands.  I mentioned Todd Duncan in Holy It! a couple of times.  He has been an influencer in my life and someone I have respected from afar. I mentioned in Holy It! that I…

Not Waiting

Guest post I wrote for Jeff Marsocci at “You make believe that everything is ok until you’re cryin’. You make believe that life is too long until you’re dyin’.” I used that quote from Limp Bizkit in my book, ‘Holy It! A Guide to Doing Your Thing – Your ‘It’.  The book is all…

Speaking on Thursday

Join me at Cafe Caturra in Cameron Village in Raleigh on Thursday, January 6th at 7:30 AM.  I'll be speaking to the Central AM Networks group that is offered by the Raleigh Chamber of Commerce.  I will offer some tips on how to de-clutter and get focused on 'It' in this New Year we have…